To buy bonsai online or not buy bonsai online that is the question, and it can be a tricky exercise if you are unsure of what you are after or what you are trying to achieve. However it does not need to be tricky and can in fact be a great way to get access to a larger array of products than your local nursery.
My fail safe system for when I buy bonsai online is:
– First decide precisely what plant or variety you are after (Understanding first what you’re after will save a lot of time and effort down the track and can be likened to having a shopping list prepared before you go to the supermarket).
– Decide on your budget when you buy bonsai online. Do not begin until you have set a budge as prices for bonsai on the internet can be anywhere from five dollars to $5000 dollars.
– Visit no more than two to three sites (anymore and you are probably going over the same products) and be sure to check that the seller is a top seller with a good record. I like to use Amazon as you can quite easily view how reputable the respective bonsai dealer is.
After you buy bonsai online be sure to read up and take the care required to keep it in good nick. If you purchase a ficus ginseng bonsai do take the time to check out my blog post on caring for ficus ginseng bonsai – one of the hardiest and best beginner varieties of bonsai.