The best place to start is to purchase a healthy bonsai plant to begin with and some tips on purchasing bonsai ginseng click here. But now you have your bonsai we will continue and outline what to do when you first purchase bonsai ginseng.
Caring For Your Bonsai after Purchase
One of the first things that you will find when you purchase a Bonsai Ginseng or ‘ficus ginseng’ is that often it will have small rocks/pebbles glued to it around the base of the trunk.
Secondly, it may be in a pot that is either too small or too large to allow it to really thrive. The picture along side gives you an idea of the pebbles which come with the plant.
Now having said that, you will want to remove the pebbles and if possible go ahead and re-pot the plant into a slightly larger and better quality pot in order to allow better drainage and room for the plants roots system to grow and take hold.
Following this, be sure to give the plant a good soak while watering from above. This will remove minerals and salts and will act as a way of cleansing the plant.
Initially when you first purchase bonsai ginseng, I would suggest leaving the plant outside during summer and bring inside during autumn when it begins to cool down.
It is after all a tropical plant. Obviously this depends on where you live, so perhaps speak with your local nursery to get specifics for your climate.
On Going Bonsai Care
Pruning should take place once the plant has started to grow new buds towards the top. Patience is important when pruning your bonsai ginseng as hasty pruning in the beginning could see your plant take a long time to recover and hence achieve the shape you desire.
After your newly purchased bonsai ginseng has been inspected and immediate care above has been done, there are some on going bonsai care basics to follow to ensure your bonsai’s good health. Ginseng bonsai is considered one of the easiest of the bonsai species to grow and is said to a great beginner plant.