One of the questions I often get asked is “can you grow a bonsai from seed?” The answer is ABSOLUTELY and I encourage this method, however you need to remember that growing a bonsai from seed can take a lot longer and is considered more of a longer term project than simply buying a bonsai and then maintaining it and training it to look the way you want.
Thinking back to when I was a bit younger I use to excavate the seedling’s that would grow around the base of the numerous Japanese maple trees around my parents house. I would re-pot them while they were still quite small, anywhere up to 15cm tall and nurture their growth. Some of these Japanese maple are now beautifully crafted bonsai while others are just as large as the original tree that dropped its seed.
When you grow a bonsai from seed you really can design the bonsai as you see fit, you are in complete control and that is what i love about this method so much. Not surprisingly you also become attached to this bonsai like its one of your own children. I encourage those of you interested to find a Japanese maple near where you live and look for these little seedling’s which grow around the base. Once you’ve re-potted keep me posted. I’d love to hear how your little seedling is travelling!